You Gotta Ask People

As Steve Jobs said you ask people for help or anything He says that in experience people don’t usually refuse your request. But you know let’s imagine there’s a 1/1000 chance of someone answering you email. That means if you email 1000 people you gotta get at least one answer and that’s a pretty good reason for me to start emailing people and containg people that I like.

March 2, 2024

Why Nothing Is Fair in School

Intro hey, have you ever you think why if student arrived late would get punished but teachers not. look at least in most of the schools in Iran, WE ARE paying a lot of money to the schools so, why are we not paying attention to it or are we ok with that? Main WE ARE PAYING MONEY yes that’s our money which is wasted every single second that teachers are late so we’d better fight for our rights....

March 2, 2024

The First One !!!

Welcome !!! Hi and Welcome to my little home/blog on the internet. Just a quick reminder, You have internet connenction.

March 1, 2024

The Second One

hi bye

VPN here

hi this is especially for parsa this will only work on nekoray