
hey, have you ever you think why if student arrived late would get punished but teachers not. look at least in most of the schools in Iran, WE ARE paying a lot of money to the schools so, why are we not paying attention to it or are we ok with that?



yes that’s our money which is wasted every single second that teachers are late so we’d better fight for our rights. Imagine you pay someone hour by hour for watching your windows if you see him talking to the phone for half an hour right in middle of washing what do you do? that’s easy you just fire him or you tell him not to do that right? It is the exact same deal for the school. you are paying the teachers to drink tea.

Time is Priceless

In Farsi we say “Time is gold” and it’s obvious that it means the time is really valuable right? so if that teacher is late around 5 minutes for each of his/her classes and he has just one class a day and he teaches in 7 different classes. In The US there are 180 school days so 180 * 5 = 900 min which is 15 hours. if assume that everyone of his classes has 20 students. in total he would have 140 student and every year there is going to be 15 * 140 = 2100 hours of people’s lives would be wasted that is equal to 87.5 days 2.91 MOUNTH.

School hasn’t changed for so long

You know, can you say something which is completly perfect? I can’t. the reason is (at least in my opinion) there’s nothing called perfect. look what are you gonna compare this pizza to in order to say this is the perfect pizza or not. This question has been around for so long for example if you think about it even just for a minute you find lot’s of way to actually improve schools, from making changes to rules to chanting and adding new subject So why haven’t been any major changes. maybe because it’s better for them this way.